Never compromise on the happiness and financial security of your family. With this in mind having your employees secured under this policy will ensure their families are financially secured in case of accidents or death.
Your business shouldn't stop when you stop.
- Group Life Assurance
- Kangachepe Funeral Cover
- Group Funeral Expense
- Micro-Credit Insurance
- Group Credit Life
- Group Mortgage
Why Employee Group Life
Group life policy covers death and permanent disability in the event of the death of a member of the scheme provided he/she is still in the service of the employer or scheme holder. This cover enables the employer/scheme holder to alleviate the financial distress that might befall the dependents of an insured member upon his/ her death or permanent disability.

- Premium rates represent a very low percentage of the employer’s payroll
- The registered schemes premiums are usually allowable as a business expense thereby reducing the net cost to the employer.
- A wide variety of features can be incorporated into any scheme therefore meaning that it can easily reflect an employer’s requirements.
- A group life assurance scheme can offer a Free Cover Limit therefore meaning that medical evidence is often not required at all.
- A well promoted scheme can enhance staff loyalty
- The policy can have a funeral expense benefit to cover the employee, his/her spouse and children
Why Kangachepe Funeral Cover
Kangachepe is a scheme designed to reduce financial burden brought by funeral expenses that families incur in the event of death of their beloved ones. The policy will cover both staff and registered members of different organizations and groupings like SACCO’s, churches and the community groupings.

- The policy will pay on Death or Total Permanent Disability
- Premiums are paid once at the inception of policy and are guaranteed during the year
- Benefits are paid within 5 days of receipt of all documentation
Why Group Funeral Expense
Covers funeral limits in the event of death of an insured member who is between age 1 and 18 years (children) and 18 and 75 years for adults. Pays insured funeral benefit within 48 hours of death.

Why Micro-Credit Insurance
CIC offers a specialized group creditor life insurance policy customized to cover Short term loan balances on reducing balance basis for small scale businesses. This policy pays off the outstanding loan balance in the event that the insured borrower dies/or is permanently disabled within the insurance period.

- Premium rates represent a very low percentage of the employer’s payroll
- The registered scheme premiums are usually allowable as a business expense thereby reducing the net cost to the employer.
- A wide variety of features can be incorporated into any scheme, therefore, meaning that it can easily reflect an employer’s requirements.
- A group life assurance scheme can offer a Free Cover Limit, therefore, meaning that medical evidence is often not required at all.
- A well-promoted scheme can enhance staff loyalty
- The policy can have a funeral expense benefit to cover the employee, his/her spouse and children
Why Group Credit Life
Credit life insurance covers death and permanent disability in the event of the death of a member of an Institution. It is a life insurance policy designed to pay off a borrower’s debt if that borrower dies. The face value of a credit life insurance policy decreases proportionately with an outstanding loan amount as the loan is paid off over time until both reach zero value.

Why Group Mortgage
This product is designed for institutions offering long-term loans (mortgages) for purchase of property (houses, cars, land). This is a particular type of life assurance taken out for the term of the mortgage and designed to pay it off on the death and/or permanent disability of the borrower or joint borrower.